Saturday, January 15, 2005

Western Australia

Flew over to Perth and Kym who we'd met on our trip through Russia met us at the airport. Had a night at her place and then headed out to her families farm at Kulin, this seemed tyo be the size of several counties back in Blighty.

We the spent some time in Freemantle, Rottnest Island and Cotteslsoe before hiring a camper van to see the south west. This was from the wicked camper company that sprays the vans all sorts of things and ours was the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo. This was a big drive down through Margaret River, Albany, Esperence, up to Kalgoorlie and back across to Perth.

after a couple more nights there we started a bus trip all the way up to Broome, we did this over 25 days and stopped off along the way at Kalbarri, Denem (Shark Bay), Coral Bay, Exmouth, Tom Price, Port Headland and finaly Broome.

Loved all of Wetern Australia, did some of the best diving ever there, the best being the Navy Pier in Exmouth, got to swim with loads of sharks and giant Queensland Gropers, these were massive and would swim right next to you.

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